Central SCADA System Software and Server Upgrade Project
The upgraded hardware and software of the SCADA/EMS system will meet the modern requirements of the system. Of which the integration of new facilities caused by the development of electricity grid and consequently the processing of an increased number of signals is noteworthy. In addition, a new system is compatible with ENTSO-E standards.
The new, high-end architecture of SCADA / EMS (Energy Management System) includes SCADA’s upgraded, transmission network management, monitoring and intelligent functions, as well as operator training simulator and Dynamic Sustainability Analysis (SIGUARD DSA) module.
Upgraded hardware and software will improve the safe and reliable operation of the power system.
The project is funded by the World Bank (loan № 8377-GE). The agreement (№IDA / TGSP / DSI / DC / 01-2017) was signed within the framework of the Transmission Grid Strengthening Project with the Austrian company SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT OESTERREICH, on December 21, 2017. To facilitate the implementation of the project, on March 13, 2015, an agreement was signed with the supervisory consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers Georgia LLC.
Project Progress Phases and Status:
- Design and planning phase completed.
- Procurement of equipment was completed by the contractor.
- Database migration to the new system and basic system configuration work completed.
- Basic training in Data entry / IMM, SCADA system administration, TNA, AGC and other modules completed.
- Successfully completed factory (FAT) tests.
- New SCADA system servers and workstations were set up at GSE data centers and offices.
- Successfully completed local (SAT) tests.
- Successfully completed the Access (AV) test.
- Trainings were repeated.
- On November 24, 2020, new SCADA / EMS system was put into operation.
Duration of Project Implementation:
- The project started on 22 December 2017.
- The project completion date was May 26, 2020, but due to the force majeure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project deadline was extended to November 27, 2020.
Project Cost:
- The cost of the project is 2,819,918.45 euros (including VAT).