Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of 18 GSE Substations


Thorough reconstruction and rehabilitation was carried out to 18 GSE substations in 2010-2015. Within the scope of the USAID-funded projects, reconstruction and installation of 35/10/6 kV primary and secondary switchgears was carried out in 13 GSE substations: Fero 220, Rustavi 220, Zestafoni 500, Batumi 220, Gori 200, Khashuri 220, Marneuli 220, Menji 220, Tskaltubo 220, Zugdidi 220, Gardabani 500, Gurjaani 220, Kutaisi 220.

In addition, the protection and control equipment was procured and installed through USAID funding, in terms of both primary and secondary equipment, in the following GSE substations: Batumi 220/110, Gldani 220/110, Khashuri 220/110/10, Gori 220/110, Kutaisi 220/110/10, Marneuli 220/110, Menji 220/110/35, Rustavi 220/110, Tskaltubo 220/110 and Zugdidi 220/110. Modern devices equipped with cutting-edge technologies, without analogues in the post-Soviet area and even in most developed countries, were installed within the scope of the project.

Georgian State Electrosystem carried out the rehabilitation works with its own forces within the scope of both projects.

In 2010 Gardabani 500/330/200 substation was rehabilitated through KfW funding. In 2013, Didube 220/110 substationandLisi 110/220substationwere also rehabilitated through donation of KfW. Georgian State Electrosystem carried out the construction works with its own forces in these projects as well.

In addition, during 2010-2015, Georgian State Electrosystem carried out reconstruction and rehabilitation of a variety of GSE substations with its own forces, financial and human resources within the scope of the following projects: Procurement of digital equipment for rehabilitation of Navtlugi-220 substationandGardabani-110substation, procurement of 35 kV switchgear, installation, adjustment within rehabilitation of 35 kV Didube substation.

Funding / donor organization: Georgian State Electrosystem (Rehabilitation of the substations Navtlugi 220, Gardabani 110 and Didube 35 - 1 890 000 EUR); USAID (project of 10 and 13 substations – 17 million USD); KfW (substations Gardabani 500/330/220, Lisi 110/220, Didube 220/110 - 9 754 000 EUR).

Contractor: SIEMENS (Turkey)– project of 13 substations; SEL (USA) – project of 10 substations; SIEMENS – Gardabani 500/330/220; Schneider Electric (France) – Didube 220/110; SIEMENS (Austria) – Lisi 110/220; ABB (Sweden) – Navtlugi 220 andGardabani 110; ABB (Hungary) – Didube 35.

Works were carried out by: Georgian State Electrosystem

The projects were carried out in: 2010-2015


  • Improvement of electricity trade between the neighbouring countries and safe electricity supply, increase of stability of the network connected with the neighbouring countries and reduction of number of outages
  • Support for upgrading, reconstruction and operation of electricity transmission network connecting East and West
  • Reduction of number of outages and maintenance costs.

