
Invitation for Prequalification for Design and construction of a 350MW Back-to-Back HVDC Converter Station at Akhaltsikhe

Country Georgia
Name and address of Project Execution AgencyGeorgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE)
2 Baratashvili Street, Tbilisi 0105 Georgia
ProjectOpen Programme Energy Sector
Component A3 - HVDC BtB Module No.03
Financing Institute KfW Entwicklungsbank
BMZ No. 2017 68 340
KfW Procurement No. 509903
Type of Notice Prequalification Notice
Prequalification Applications Submission Deadline 25.07.2023

  1. Georgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE), in Georgia, will use funds provided by KfW towards financing the implementation of the project

    Open Programme Energy Sector
    The project comprises one (1) lot, as follows:

    Design and construction of a 350MW Back-to-Back HVDC Converter Station at Akhaltsikhe on a turnkey basis, which is an extension of already existing two Back-to-Back HVDC Converter Units. The scope of work shall include the design, manufacturing, delivering, installation, commissioning, and acceptance testing of the equipment to be installed and the entire substation in every respect and suitable for satisfactory operation.
  2. Georgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE), hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, now invites Applications of firms/joint ventures interested to qualify for Design & Construction of HVDC BtB Module No.03.
  3. Bidding shall be conducted by means of two stage International Competitive procedure as specified in KfWs’ “Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Goods, Plant and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries”, Microsoft Word - Vergaberichtlinien 2019 Englisch Internet.docx (kfw-entwicklungsbank.de)
  4. The Contract will be based on FIDIC’s Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build for Electrical and Mechanical Plant, and for Building and Engineering works, Designed by the Contractor (FIDIC Yellow Book).
  5. The present Prequalification Document relates to: Component A3 - HVDC BtB Module No.03
  6. and this prequalification processes regards one (1) Contract. For Component A3 - HVDC BtB Module No.03, the Works comprise:
    - one 350MW Back-to-Back HVDC Converter Station in VSC technology and MMC (Modular Multilevel Converter) topology
    - Extension of 500 kV switchyard in Akhaltsikhe for connecting 500 kV side (Georgian side) of the new HVDC converter unit
    - Extension of the 400kV switchyard in Akhaltsikhe for connecting 400 kV side (Turkish side) of the new HVDC converter unit with additional CVT, surge arrester and further primary/secondary equipment upon necessity
    - Extension of the 220 kV outdoor switchyard with two 220 kV DBB transformer bays
    - Installation of two (2) 63 MVA 220/110/10 kV autotransformers
    - Construction of a new 110 kV gas insulated indoor switchgear, consisting of at least five (5) bays
  7. The Invitation for Bids is expected to be made on 20.06.2023.
  8. The Prequalification Document will be provided electronically only, free of charge, upon request to the following e-mail addresses: mari.mirzashvili@gse.com.geThe request must be accompanied by a cover letter, duly signed, and stamped, clearly stating the name of the company and the country of domicile.
  9. The Prequalification Document will be provided electronically only and will be sent to interested firms on the e-mail address indicated in the cover letter. The document will be provided in PDF format, as well as in Word format. In case of discrepancy the PDF version shall prevail.
  10. Applicants have to furnish, as part of their applications, documentary evidence establishing their qualifications to perform the contract if their bid is accepted.

    The Applications for Prequalification shall be provided in hard copy, accompanied by electronic copy, in accordance with the instructions of the Prequalification Document. The Applications shall be delivered in address mentioned below, on or before 25.07.2023, 8:30 a.m. CET. (10:30 Georgian Time)
  11. Georgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE)Attention: Mrs. Mari Mirzashvili2 Baratashvili StreetTbilisi 0105 GeorgiaEmail: mari.mirzashvili@gse.com.ge

    Additional copies of the Application shall be submitted to the following address:

    Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG
    Attention: Mr. Peter Asmuth
    Sarweystrasse 3
    70191 Stuttgart, Germany
    E-mail: Peter.Asmuth@fichtner.de

    The opening of the Applications shall take place on 25.07.2023, 14:00 p.m. CET, (16:00 Georgian Time) at the Employer’s office in Tbilisi, Georgia.
  12. No liability can be accepted for any costs or expenses incurred by the Applicants in connection with the preparation or delivery of their applications.