A brief description of the procedures for the transmission grid connection in accordance with applicable legislation

The applicant willing to be connected to the transmission grid shall apply to the relevant transmission licensee (owner of the transmission grid) (link-Application Form) and sign a grid connection agreement with the dispatch and transmission licensees.

Transmission grid connection shall be carried out in two phases:

a) During phase I, the applicant willing to be connected to the transmission grid (applicant for grid connection) shall submit its application and documents requested under the Network Code to the transmission licensee; the transmission licensee and the dispatch licensee shall review the documentation and make an offer to the applicant.

b) During phase II, the transmission licensee, the dispatch licensee and the applicant shall sign a grid connection agreement; the relevant parties shall perform works provided for by the technical requirements of grid connection; the dispatch licensee shall agree the technical project; the equipment envisaged by the agreement shall be tested successfully and prepared for operation.

The transmission licensee shall check the formal status of application and documents requested under the Network Code submitted by the applicant for grid connection. If any shortcomings are identified, the transmission licensee shall inform the applicant about it. If the shortcomings are not rectified within the defined timeframe, the transmission licensee shall return the application together with the accompanying documentation and the grid connection fee paid during phase I.

The deadlines for application review by the dispatch licensee and the transmission licensee are set out in Annex 10 to the Network Code.

Grid connection fee:

The grid connection fee shall be determined for 500, 400, 330, 220, 110, 35 and 6-10 kV voltage.

The grid connection fee shall be paid in two stages:

1. The fee for phase I of transmission grid connection shall be paid when the applicant files an application for grid connection. The fee amount depends on the voltage level and is specified in Annex №10 to the Network Code.

2. The fee for phase II of transmission grid connection shall be paid after the grid connection agreement is signed, in particular, within 20 (twenty) working days after the applicant for grid connection signs the agreement.

The fee amount for phase II of transmission grid connection depends on the required voltage level and the connection scheme. The fee amount for phase II of transmission grid connection according to voltage levels and connection schemes is defined in Annexes №11 და №12 to the Network Code.

In case of tying into the transmission line belonging to the transmission licensee, the fee amount for phase II of transmission grid connection shall be the total of fees for the construction of transmission line and the arrangement of cell at the relevant voltage level as provided for by Annexes №11 და №12.

If the grid connection scheme envisages alternative power supply of the applicant’s site, the fee for phase II of transmission grid connection shall be determined under this paragraph as the total of grid connection fees set for both main and alternative power supply.

The fee for phase II of transmission grid connection on 500, 400, 330 kV and 6-10 kV voltage shall be calculated on the basis of the cost estimate made by the transmission licensee. The fee for phase II of transmission grid connection is the fee for works envisaged by Article 7 (7) and (8) of the Network Code.

Possible standard options for the transmission grid connection are:

a) Arrangement of a connection cell at the substation belonging to the transmission licensee .

b) Tying in the transmission line belonging to the transmission licensee. If the connection cell is arranged at the transmission licensee’s substation, the transmission licensee shall arrange (install) the cell, while the dispatch licensee shall arrange (install) level I SCADA communication element at the transmission licensee’s and the applicant’s substations. The applicant shall perform all other works associated with grid connection. The mentioned connection cell is the property of the transmission licensee, while the level I SCADA communication element is the property of the dispatch licensee. In case of tying in the transmission line belonging to the transmission licensee, the transmission line shall be disconnected and prolonged to the applicant’s substation. The transmission licensee shall perform all works associated with disconnection and prolongation of the transmission line to the substation, including the purchase and installation of line commutation equipment needed to restore the transmission line integrity. The transmission licensee shall also arrange (install) a cell, metering unit at the applicant’s substation, while the dispatch licensee shall arrange (install) from own funds level I SCADA communication element at the applicant’s site/substation. The transmission licensee shall also be responsible for the design works under this paragraph (preparation of technical project), obtaining the title to land required for the line prolongation to the substation or other necessary permits. The transmission line, cell and metering unit built as a result of tying in the transmission line are the property of the transmission licensee, while level I SCADA communication element is the property of the dispatch licensee.

The relevant transmission licensee shall determine the possible standard option for the transmission grid connection in agreement with the dispatch licensee.

Under decision of the dispatch licensee, the transmission licensee shall send a grid connection offer or well-founded refusal of grid connection to the applicant.

The grid connection offer submitted by the network owner licensee shall include the technical requirements prepared in compliance with applicable legislation, the estimated dates of grid connection, the price table (the fee to be paid by the applicant for phase II of transmission grid connection in accordance with applicable legislation), and the draft grid connection agreement.

The parties shall sign the grid connection agreement within 3 (three) months after the offer. Otherwise, the offer (also the technical requirement) shall automatically be annulled.

Refusal of grid connection

The transmission licensee shall be authorized to refuse the applicant to be connected to the grid if there is no free connection capacity at the substation or transmission line nearest to the facility to be connected, or if such grid connection endangers the reliable operation of the entire transmission system.

Refusal of grid connection must be based on detailed technical-economic criteria determined by the dispatch and transmission licensees. Under Decision No 21/31 of 23 March 2017 of the GNERC, the technical-economic criteria for the refusal of grid connection and their assessment methodology have been agreed..

The transmission licensee shall not have the right to refuse power plant to be connected to the grid for the following reasons:

a) insufficient free capacity in the transmission system

b) expected overload in the transmission grid as a result of new connection

c) financial expenses incurred for the grid strengthening as a result of new connection.

The fee can be paid on the following account:


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