Visit of the Georgian State Electrosystem Delegation to Ireland
From May 29 to June 2 this year the Delegation from Georgian State Electrosystem attended the CIGRE (the International Council on Large Electric Systems) Symposium in Dublin, the capital of Ireland.
Within the scope of the Symposium, the representatives of Georgian State Electrosystem participated in technical seminars, sessions and meetings; attended the exhibitions, where the latest achievements of the modern world in the field of electricity were exhibited.
The main directions of technical seminars and sessions were the challenges of modern energy, such as the reduction of system inertia due to the integration of wind and solar power stations; the problems and difficulties arising during implementation of projects in the transmission network; the network optimization and the ways of implementation; the issues of coordination between the transmission system operator and the distribution system operator.
The International Council on Large Electric Systems has more than 14,000 members today, including leading researchers, academicians, engineers, technicians and energy producers from more than 90 countries.
GSE plans to participate in CIGRE exhibitions and symposiums in the future. At the same time, it is already planned to register Georgian State Electrosystem as an official member of the International Council on Large Electric Systems, which will enhance the awareness of the country and enable the Georgian specialists not only to get acquainted with the works of foreign colleagues and technological achievements, but also to contribute to the studies.