

Sulkhan Zumburidze and Zurab Pataradze Visited Batumi-220 SS

Mr. Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of Georgian State Electrosystem, and Mr. Zurab Pataradze, Chairman of the Government of Autonomous Republic of Ajara, visited the GSE-owned Batumi-220 substation and familiarized with the work carried out during the year of 2017.

The substation supplies electricity to the city of Batumi and the entire Adjara region. In 2017, Georgian State Electrosystem successfully completed the first phase of the Construction of Akhaltsikhe-Batumi 220 kV Double-Circuit OHL project, through which the 178 MW Shuakhevi HPP was connected to the Batumi substation. "This is a very important and large-scale project for our country. The new transmission line will ensure sustainable supply of electricity in the region and Georgian State Electrosystem will be able to satisfy the increasing demand for electricity within and outside of the country", - Sulkhan Zumburidze said. The visit was held within the frames of the Visit to Regional Networks project.
