National Committee of CIGRE Established in Georgia
The National Committee of the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) has been established in Georgia at the initiative and under guidance of Georgian State Electrosystem.
Representatives of GSE, ENERGOTRANS and Georgian Technical University have joined the Committee. The International Council on Large Electric Systems is a non-profit non-governmental organization founded in France in 1921 and uniting transmission system operators, manufacturers, experts, universities and distribution companies operating in the power sector across the world.The organization is one of the main researchers and assessors of current progress or challenges in the sector.
The Georgian National Committee of CIGRE allows its members to join study committees and working groups within the organization that examine 16 directions in the power sector. Based on the relevant conclusions, they set standards and develop future prospects for the electrical power systems development. In addition, they will have access to any kind of research work or publication available at CIGRE's huge electronic library for free or at a special price.
Being member of the Georgian National Committee, GSE will be able to actively engage in the process of evaluating innovations and technologies in the electricity field and be present in the midst of current events.The Georgian National Committee of CIGRE is ready to have any organization, scientist, student or expert in the field joined the Committee. For more information, please contact the Administrative Assistant of the National Committee: teona.elizarashvili@gse.com.ge