Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Giorgi Kobulia Visited Georgian State Electrosystem
On August 3, Giorgi Kobulia and Nino Enukidze, Minister and Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, visited Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) to see, together with Chairman of the GSE Management Board Sulkhan Zumburidze, the National Dispatch Centre of GSE and the control panel installed there. The control panel equipped with leading-edge technology is a pioneer in the Caucasus region being responsible for operating control of the power system implemented through the SCADA system. The visitors also heard the presentation of GSE Rehabilitation Manager Sulkhan Zumburidze about the company, its operation, and implemented and future projects.
“We will be able to have absolutely own-generated power in the near future. In addition, this will be a considerable contribution to the Economic Growth Program of Georgia”, the Minister said.
“We discussed the current issues and talked about future projects directed to maintenance of the country’s internal stability and making of Georgia a regional hub”, Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of GSE, stated.