Georgian State Electrosystem Has Become ISO 9001 Certificate Holder for the Second Time
Georgian State Electrosystem first received a three-year Quality Management Certificate in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 Standard requirements in 2014. A quality management system aims at improving continuously organization’s work processes and increasing efficiency. In 2017, the auditors of German company DQS GmbH audited the compliance of Georgian State Electrosystem operations with the requirements of the new version of ISO 9001:2015 Standard, which is more focused on improving business management and system performance.
According to the audit report prepared by the international auditors, Georgian State Electrosystem meets the Standard requirements. Based on the audit report, DQS GmbH issued a Certificate of Conformity. DQS GmbH is a certification body and full member of the International Quality Network (IQNet). Consequently, GSE hasbecome the holder of the IQNet Certificate as well. The Certificate was granted to GSE for three years. The Certification Agreement provides for the conduction of two supervision audits in this period.
"By obtaining a Certificate of Conformity in compliance with the new version of Standard, our company stands next to those holding the leading positions in the business world," Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of GSE, said.