

GSE Delegation Visit to Vienna, Austria

On October 25-27, the delegation of Georgian State Electrosystem participated in meetings held under the auspices of USAID and USEA in Vienna, Austria.

Within two days, a workshop and working meeting were held within the framework of the Utility Cyber Security Initiative (UCSI). GSE representatives were acquainted with the operating network security principles and methodology, international information security standards, and the principles of cyber security assessment tools. Representatives of Georgian State Electrosystem made a presentation on the situation in the company in terms of information security.

The GSE delegation, along with representatives of the Black Sea region countries, participated in the regular session of the BSTP (Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project) working group on October 27. The main topics of the BSTP working meeting were the initial analysis of the balancing services and the potential of trans-boundary power supply in the Black Sea region, and the agreement of project plans for 2018.

The initial analysis was based on the assessment of regulation capacities of all participating power systems, the different price fixing for balancing energy in each country, and the primary identification of co-operation and integration capabilities based on these differences.

In setting future plans, it was decided to continue and deepen research on the potential of trans-boundary supply of balancing services and power in the Black Sea region, including using more accurate and realistic data on each power system parameters.

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