GSE Delegation Visit to Moldova
From February 22 to February 24 of this year, Georgian State Electrosystem delegation headed by Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board, paid a business visit to Moldova. The visit was arranged by invitation of Moldavian system operator MOLDELECTRICA in the city of Kishinev. Genadi Dimov, General Director of MOLDELECTRICA, and Vyacheslav Zastavnetsky, Deputy General Director of MOLDELECTRICA, hosted the Georgian delegation.
Within the frames of the visit, the parties discussed the possibility of operation of the Georgian and Moldavian power systems and synchronization of transmission networks with ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity). The parties also conducted a dialogue on legal regulation of the two countries, and bringing the power markets and power systems in line with the requirements of the Energy Community.
“The Georgian and Moldavian power systems face similar challenges and have the same objectives in approximation with ENTSO-E and Energy Community (EnC) standards, so it is important to share experience among system operators," Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the GSE Management Board said.