

Regional Security Coordination Service Agreement

The Director General of Georgian State Electrosystem, Giorgi Gigineishvili, and the Director of the Belgrade Security Coordination Center, Luka Okuka, signed a Regional Security Coordination Service Agreement, which involves supporting the deepening of Georgia's relationship with the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). Additionally, the service delivery agreement provides support for developing an individual network model, taking into account ENTSO-E standards.
Regional Coordination Centers were established according to EU Regulation 2019/943. Among them is the Belgrade Security Coordination Center, which is responsible for the South-Eastern European region. Its services are also used by the transmission system operators of Moldova, Ukraine, and Turkey. The coordination center improves the quality of coordination between transmission system operators, ensures real-time operational planning, and promotes the operational security of the power system, reduces risks, and mitigates damage in case of their realization.
