

Information Meetings Against Gender-based Violence

Within the framework of 500 kv Jvari-Tskaltubo OHL project, awareness-raising meetings on gender-based violence were held for the population living nearby the site by Georgian State Electrosystem.
Representatives of Agency for State Care and Assistance for Protection and Support of Victims of Human Trafficking provided information to the residents of Maglak village of Tskaltubo municipality and Sachino village of Tsalenjikha municipality about violence against women and domestic violence. The participants also learned about the support services for victims of violence in the country.
Jvari-Tskaltubo project is being financed by the World Bank and includes both the construction of 500kv Jvari-Tskaltubo OHL and the expansion of the existing Tskaltubo SS with a 500kv wing. This project will play an important role in increasing the security of Georgian energy system and integrating renewable energy sources into the grid.