Information Technologies and Projects
In the modern world, the development of a country is impossible without technological change.Information technology has gained even more relevance during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.Zurab Beselia, Head of IT and SCADA Department, made a presentation on strategic directions and projects for the company's management at the head office of the Georgian State Electrosystem.
The subject of the presentation was the projects implemented by the department during the last six months – Introduction of Test Program for grid operators’ (dispatchers),providing remote operation in pandemic conditions, modernizing the computer network of the head office, etc.The presentation also touched on the security of SCADA and IT infrastructure and the importance of centralized management and virtualization of data storage systems.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Program (SCADA) renewal project has been underway at GSE since 2017 and will be completed by the end of 2020. The project envisages data collection, processing and refinement of remote control.
Georgian State Electrosystem constantly ensures the irreversible process of introduction and use of modern information technologies.