Georgian State Electrosystem Completed Transformer Park Renewal Project
The second phase of the Georgian State Electrosystem Transformer Park Renewal project, which GSE has been implementing on its own for three years, has been successfully completed.
The project was launched in 2017, in order to meet increased demand for electricity, the issue of GSE-owned substations’capacity increase was raised. For three years, the Georgian State Electrosystem has carried out a large amount of work, which included the replacement and installation of 3 reactors, 8 autotransformers and 11 transformers, herewith, 7 new autotransformers and 10 power transformers were purchased with GSE funds.
As part of the Transformer Park Renewal project, modern, up-to-date equipment was installed at 11 GSE-owned substations, and replacement work was carried out at 21 substations.
The implementation of the project has significantly increased the sustainability of specific regions, as well as the energy system of Georgia as a whole, security, reliability and stability of electricity supply to consumers. Opportunities for new customers to connect to the electricity grid have emerged, which will facilitate the implementation of infrastructure or other important projects.