

Energy Markets Implementation Project Meetings

In the framework of Day-ahead and the Balance Markets Implementation Project, Georgian State Electrosystem headquarters held joint working meetings of experts from consulting companies (Nord Pool Consulting AS, BlueBerries, Omnia and SIEMENS), GSE staff and representatives of Georgian Energy Exchange.

At the workshop, the staff of Georgian State Electrosystem became familiar with the functions of the Market Management System (MMS) program. The concept of energy market, regulation of the newly enacted Law of Georgia on Energy and Water Supply, project action plan and opportunities for implementing a unified financial settlement system was discussed. The meetings were held in a discussion format.

Energy Market Project will attract more investment in the energy sector, electricity price formation process will become more transparent and European model will be introduced, which is an important factor for Georgia's energy sustainability.

The energy market will be launched from 2021, with the introduction of Day-Ahead, hourly market and Balancing mechanism.
