Georgian State Electrosystem and KfW Signed Grant Agreement
On 23 August 2018, Chairman of the Management Board of Georgian State Electrosystem Sulkhan Zumburidze and Director for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Department of the German Reconstruction Bank (KfW) Olaf Zymelka signed a grant agreement for EUR 460,000 at the Head Office of GSE, which was approved by the German Government within the Open Program for Energy Sector.
The grant funds will be used to cover additional environmental and social issues in the framework of KfW-funded projects.The KfW-funded Open Transmission Network Expansion Program includes development of the transmission network through construction and rehabilitation of transmission lines and substations in various regions of Georgia, which will further strengthen the country's energy supply and facilitate power export-import.
The active project implementation phase will take place in 2019 and the main works are planned to be completed in 2020-21.