Ten-Year Network Development Plan of Georgia
According to the amendments in Law on Power and Natural Gas made on 12th of December 2014, Ten-Year Network Development Plan has been developed by Transmission System Operator – Georgian State Electrosystem, JSC (GSE) together with Electricity Transmission Licensees – Sakrusenergo, JSC and “Energotrans” Ltd.
The plan was discussed with the representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Georgia, GNERC and with the leading experts and professors working in this field. The plan was approved on March 26, 2015, under the Government Decree №641. It has been officially approved on April 8, 2015 by the Decree #39 of the Minister of Energy.

Ten-Year Network Development Plan of Georgia is a time bound program aiming at strengthening the country’s transmission network infrastructure, which is the response to the problems existing in the transmission network, the future challenges and the opportunities based on a number of technical and economic calculations.
GSE, supported by the Ministry of Energy of Georgia is seeking to develop adequate infrastructure and to provide reliable and high quality services for consumers. Accordingly, the aim of the mentioned 10 year plan is to develop sustainable, reliable, economical and efficient transmission system providing security, reliability and high quality of the network; the construction of new transmission lines, generation sources and their connection to the Grid; Sufficient capacity for integration of renewable energy sources into network and providing power trade between the countries; The readiness of integration into ENTSO-E’s (European Electrosystem) 10 year network Development Plan.
“Export and transit potential of Georgia will increase as a result of implementation of projects stipulated in this plan and Georgia will have an opportunity to become transit energy junction in the region” stated Mr. Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of Georgian State Electrosystem.
In 2014 special team consisting of Electric Modes and Development Departments staff of GSE was created in GSE for the development of Ten-Year Network Development Plan. This team worked out project development concept and developed the plan with the assistance of different other GSE structures. This team performed all necessary technical calculations using PSSE and Digsilent Power Factory. Mentioned team also executed modification of European cost-benefit analysis CBA for Georgian Power System and evaluation of development projects (investments).
Ten-Year Network Development Plan is accessible for review for all interested parties at GSE webpage: