Local Issuing Office – EIC codes
With a view to ensuring efficient electronic data exchanges in the Electricity Market, ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) has defined a standard to identify parties: the EIC code (Energy Identification Coding).
In Georgia GSE manages the Electricity Local Issuing Office (LIO) which allocates and administrates all the Georgian EIC codes. ENTSO-E has established the Official Code “65” to the local code generation office. Which means that all EIC codes managed by GSE start with the characters “65”.
If you do not have an EIC code yet, you can fill in the form
The list of published EIC codes
According to the ENTSO-E guidelines the following EIC types exist:
X – type EIC is used to identify Balance Responsible Party in the energy market of Georgia.
Y – type EIC is used to identify Balance Group Party in the energy market of Georgia.
Z– type EIC code is used to identify the metering data in the connection point of the Balancing group in the energy market of Georgia
W- type EIC is used to identify an object/equipment for the generation units in the energy market of Georgia.
T – type EIC is used to identify interconnection lines, internal lines and transformers.